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Polish language certificate



Registration for the course preparing for the certificate examination in Polish as a foreign language, on 24-25 June 2023

We invite you to enroll in a course preparing for the certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language at the B1 language proficiency level in a group adapted to the needs of adults.

Polish language courses for beginners at the A0/A1 level

Maritime English Center invites you to Polish language course for beginners

Registration for the course preparing for the certificate examination in Polish as a foreign language

We invite you to enroll in a course preparing for the certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language at the B1 and C1 language proficiency level in a group adapted to the needs of adults.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming New Year

Registration for the certified exam in Polish as a foreign language, session of 5th-6th February 2023

We invite you to register for the certified exam in Polish as a foreign language in the session of 5th-6th February 2023 at the B1 language proficiency level in a group adapted to the needs of adults.

Registration for the course preparing for the certificate examination in Polish as a foreign language

We invite you to enroll in a course preparing for the certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language at the B1 language proficiency level in a group adapted to the needs of adults.

Registration for the certified exam in Polish as a foreign language, session of 5th-6th November 2022

We invite you to register for the certified exam in Polish as a foreign language in the session of 5th-6th November 2022 at the B1 language proficiency level in a group adapted to the needs of adults.

Dates of examination sessions in 2023

The State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language has announced the schedule of examination sessions in 2023.

Examination session 5-6 November 2022

The exam in Polish as a foreign language will be held on November 5-6, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday) at the B1 language proficiency level in a group adjusted to the needs of adults.

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