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Exam Responsibilities of the test taker

What are the rules for exam takers at the Maritime English Center?

Before taking the exam, the examinees complete the application form, indicate the date and level of the exam they intend to take, and pay the exam and certificate fee.
Candidates may not bring auxiliary materials and devices for transmitting, receiving images or sounds or registering information to the examination room. During the examination the candidates are not allowed to communicate with one other nor members of the examination board can comment on the examination tasks or provide explanations regarding those tasks.
The test taker informs the examination board about the deficiencies found in the examination sheet.
If these deficiencies may affect the result of the examination, the chairperson of the examination commission shall suspend the examination until the candidate is provided with a new examination sheet.
While the examination is suspended, the candidates remain in the examination room and are not allowed to fill in the examination sheets.
In the event of a breach of this prohibition by the examiner, the chairperson of the examination committee shall interrupt and cancel the examination of the breacher.
In justified cases, the chairperson of the examination board may allow the examinee to leave the examination room during the given module of the written part of the examination, subject to the provision of conditions excluding the possibility of contacting the test taker with other persons.
A test taker who has finished solving the tasks before the expiry of the time allocated to the given module of the written part of the examination, gives one of the members of the examination board the examination paper and leaves the room where the examination is held.
The examinee may notify the chairman of the examination board that they will not participate in the examination.
The chairperson of the examination committee interrupts and cancels the exam of the exam-taker in the event of: bringing in the exam room auxiliary materials and devices for transmitting, receiving or registering information; communicating with other candidates; disturbing the course of the examination by the person taking the exam.
Autor: Website Administrator

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