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Polish language certificate

Exam Fees

The fee for taking the exam is as follows:

EUR 120 - in relation to levels A1 and A2 in a group adjusted to the needs of adults;
EUR 150 - for levels B1 and B2 in a group adjusted to the needs of adults;
EUR 180 - for levels C1 and C2 in a group adjusted to the needs of adults;
EUR 20 - for issuing a certificate.
The fee is paid in PLN as the equivalent of a given amount in euro, calculated using the average euro exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland on the last day of the month preceding the month in which the fee is paid.
The table of NBP rates is available at
Payments should be made to the Polish bank account:
After completing the registration you will receive an e-mail with the registration status (confirmation of the allocation of a place with data for sending the fee or information about entering on the reserve list).

Please do not pay the fees "in advance" in the absence of information about the allocation of a place.
Autor: Website Administrator

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